Nagoya University Engineering Library

Search for Books and Articles

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bookBooks. Books held by Nagoya University are linked to OPAC.
NUDBA web database contracted by Nagoya University. Some of them can be also accessed from off-campus.
DBFree public web database and resources.

    Search for Books


    If you want to search a specific book, please use Nagoya University OPAC (1) and to find out which library on campus hold it. If the book is not available at Nagoya University, please use databases (2-6) to search the collections of other libraries. There is also a service to request materials from other libraries.
    If you want to search for books by topic or keyword, it is convenient to use the "Content" tab of CiNii Books (2) or the NDL Online (6). These databases contain not only bibliographic information (such as book title and author, etc.) but also many tables of contents and content information.

  1. DBNagoya University Library OPAC
  2. It is a tool for searching materials available in Nagoya University. Switching to the "Other Universities" tab, it can search for materials held by other universities. [Guide Sheet: Search for books]pdf[Guide Sheet: Search for journals]pdf

  3. DBCiNii Books (National Institute of Informatics)
  4. It is a service that enables searching of information on books and journals that are held in university libraries in Japan. It is possible to search for about 13 million titles held in 1300 university libraries (totaled over 100 million books), and about 1.8 million authors of these books that has been accumulated through the online cataloging system (NACSIS-CAT) which NII provides. It can also perform a "Content Search" to search for "title", "description" or "table of contents" in CiNii Books. [Guide Sheet]pdf

  5. DBNagoya City Library Collection Search (JP)
  6. It can search the collections of 21 libraries in Nagoya City and/or make a reservation books.

  7. DBAichi prefecture Cross Database Retrieval (JP)
  8. It can cross-search the collections of public libraries and special libraries in Aichi Prefecture and prefectural library in Tokai-Hokuriku area.

  9. DBNDL Search (National Diet Library)
  10. It is an integrated search service of catalogs and digital archives including libraries, archives, academic institutes and the National Diet Library.

  11. DBNDL Online (National Diet Library)
  12. The National Diet Library Online Search and Request Service (NDL Online) is fast and easy way to search and request library materials and digital contents at the NDL.

    Search for Articles


    If you want to search a specific article, please use the Nagoya University electronic Journal DataBase (7) to find out if Nagoya University has a subscription to the journal that publishes the article. If the journal has a subscription, you can obtain the full text in PDF or other formats.
    If you want to search for articles by topic or keyword, please use databases (8-17). Each database has different search targets, so it is important to use different databases depending on the topic, or to try searching using multiple databases.

  13. DBNagoya University electronic Journal List
  14. It is a list of electronic journals to which Nagoya University subscribes (including some journals that are open to the public for free). You cannot search by individual article title. Please search by the "journal name" in which the article is published. [Guide Sheet]pdf

  15. DBCiNii Research (National Institute of Informatics)
  16. It is a database service which can search of information on academic articles published in academic society journals, university research bulletins or articles included in the National Diet Library's Japanese Periodicals Index Database and databases.

  17. DBJ-STAGE (Japan Science and Technology Agency)
  18. It is an electronic journal platform for science and technology information in Japan. Most of journals are available free.

  19. DBNAGOYA Repository (Nagoya University Library)
  20. It is a tool that enable search and browse for the academic achievements of Nagoya University researchers. For example: research theses, dissertations, conference papers, teaching materials, etc.

  21. DBIRDB
  22. It is a service that enable cross-search the contents registered in domestic academic repositories.

  23. NUDBWeb of Science (Clarivate) [off-campus access]
  24. It contains bibliographic information of important academic journals, covering multidisciplinary fields. You can search for articles by topic, author, and title of the published journal alongside author’s affiliation. It also includes information on citing articles, so you can find out the number of cited references, and by following cited references you can assess the development and progress of research. [Guide Sheet]pdf

  25. NUDBScience Direct(Elsevier) [off-campus access]
  26. It is database to search the contents of journals and books published by Elsevier. It can also obtain the full text of titles for which Nagoya University has subscribed.

  27. NUDBNature(Nature) [off-campus access]
  28. It is database to search the contents of journals and books published by Nature group. It can also obtain the full text of titles for which Nagoya University has subscribed.

  29. NUDBWiley Online Library(Wiley) [off-campus access]
  30. It is database to search the contents of journals and books published by Wiley. It can also obtain the full text of titles for which Nagoya University has subscribed.

  31. NUDBSpringerLink(Springer) [off-campus access]
  32. It is database to search the contents of journals and books published by Springer. It can also obtain the full text of titles for which Nagoya University has subscribed.

  33. NUDBCambridge Core(Cambridge University Press) [off-campus access]
  34. It is database to search the contents of journals and books published by Cambridge University Press. It can also obtain the full text of titles for which Nagoya University has subscribed.

    Search for Electronic Books


    If you want to search a specific e-book, please use Nagoya University OPAC (1) or "Find e-Book" tab of Nagoya University electronic Journal DataBase (7).
    If you want to search for articles by topic or keyword, please use databases (13-19). Publisher's database can search not only journal articles but also e-books contents.

  35. NUDBMaruzen eBook Library [off-campus access]
  36. An e-book collection of academic and technical books published by Japanese publishers. Titles purchased by Nagoya University are available.

  37. NUDBMaruzen eBook Library (MARUZEN-YUSHODO) [off-campus access]
  38. This is an e-book collection consisting mainly of academic and educational books published by Japanese publishers. There is a limit to the number of people who can browse at the same time, so when you are finished browsing, please click on the "閲覧終了" button.

  39. NUDBEBSCO ebook Collection [off-campus access]
  40. This is an e-book collection consisting of academic and educational books. It consists of many genres such as computer science, engineering and technology, health and medicine, mathematics, psychology, science, etc.

    Search for Doctoral Thesis

  41. DBDoctoral Theses in Nagoya University (JP)
  42. It can search for doctoral thesis submitted to the Nagoya University from 1957 to 2012. Thesis related to the Graduate School of Engineering can also be searched here. Thesis from 2013 can be searched in the NAGOYA Repository. Some of them are registered in full text.

  43. DBCiNii Dissertations (National Institute of Informatics)
  44. It is a database service that lets you search for information on dissertations written for doctoral degrees in Japan conferred by Japanese Universities and the National Institute for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education.

  45. NUDBProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I(ProQuest) [off-campus access]
  46. It can search for information on dissertations from universities around the world, especially in North America. Full texts are not included, but you can preview some of them.

  47. DBDirectory of Open Access Repositories-OpenDOAR(Jisc)
  48. This is a collection of links to institutional repositories around the world. Dissertation information may be available in the repositories of degree-granting institutions.

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